Home from home:
The City of Dunedin

Any Freemason visiting the charming City of Dunedin is assured a very warm welcome at Lodge St. Patrick. We meet on the fourth Wednesday of the month at the Dunedin Masonic Centre, Manor Place (See What's on for details.) and we will be pleased to have you in our company...

The Irish
Lodges in New Zealand

Ara Lodge No. 348 in Central Auckland is New Zealand’s oldest Masonic's Lodge. Lodge St. Patrick’s own historian, ‘Johnny’ Johnston, provides us with some background to the history of all the Irish Constitution Lodges in New Zealand.

Dan Brown novels - A curse or a blessing in disguise?

Since The Lost Symbol burst into the book stores in a blaze of international publicity, much has been written, both in the world’s press and the various Masonic…

The ‘Invisible College’: father of The Royal Society

The origins of The Royal Society lie in an ‘invisible college’ of natural philosophers who began meeting in the mid-1640s to discuss the new philosophy of promoting knowledge of the natural world through observation and experiment, which we now call science.…

The charitable work of the Irish Freemasons

Around the world relief for the infirm, the less fortunate, or those merely requiring a friendly helping hand, is the philosophy that runs through Masons within the Irish Constitution. Indeed, charitable benevolence was a central pillar supporting the structure when, centuries ago…

The King and the Craft

Born in 1895 as the second son of King George V and Queen Mary (then Duke and Duchess of York), he seemed destined for a supporting role in Royal and national life. Like many previous younger sons he looked towards a service life and joined the Royal Navy…

Baals Bridge Square

In 1830 a four arched, Tudor bridge over the River Shannon in County Limerick was being replaced. During excavation work for the new structure, a surprising discovery was made…

A brief history of the Grand Lodge of Ireland

The Grand Lodge of Ireland is the second oldest Grand Lodge in the world (after the Grand Lodge of England). The first evidence for its existence occurs in the ‘Dublin Weekly Journal’ of 26 June 1725, wherein the newspaper describes an event that…

An Untold History of Ireland – Freemasonry

To our visitors from around the world,
welcome to the website of Lodge St.Patrick here in New Zealand, lodge number 468 on the register of the Grand Lodge of Ireland, Dublin.

Irish Freemasonry has been a part of the New Zealand community for more than 175 years. It is the oldest fraternal order in New Zealand and, on this website; we hope that you will enjoy reading and learning the truth about regular Masonry, and about the contribution Freemasons make to the community, both in this country and around the globe.

Oficial Freemasonry 300-years of 'official' Freemasonry

“300-years have passed since the first ‘Grand Lodge’ of Freemasons was formed. On 24 June 1717, a meeting of like-minded men took place in the Goose and Gridiron Alehouse off St. Paul’s Churchyard in London…

Cystic Fibrosis One young man’s
positivity enriches the Lodge

“There are plenty of people much worse off than me,” 18-year-old, cystic fibrosis sufferer, Dylan Booth told the members of Lodge St. Patrick…

Bronwyn Halley “It’s About Time” for Bronwyn Halley

“I just love music. I love listening to it. I love singing to it. I love writing it. I love seeing people in the audience singing back to me a song that I have written. I think that’s very cool,” so says up and coming country singer and songwriter Bronwyn Halley. The talented young musician...

Michaela George Barnes Heading for the
front line of political reporting

A determined young woman with a head for politics and journalism, and harbouring a deep concern for the protection of innocents, Michaela George-Barnes is this year’s winner of the Port Chalmers Marine Lodge…

kon award Stewart Stott – Freemasonry’s latter-day Robin Hood

One Past Master of Lodge St. Patrick who has taken Robin Hood’s concept of charity to a higher plane has to be V.W.Bro. Stewart Stott…

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